
Prior to all evaluations, I will send the parent/caregiver an intake form to fill out to gain background knowledge about your child and to help understand the current concerns as well as the family’s goals for the child. All evaluations will begin with a parent/caregiver interview at the beginning of the evaluation appointment. The following are examples of types of evaluations that your child may receive depending on their unique needs.


Speech Only Evaluation

This type of evaluation assesses speech sound production/articulation skills via formal and informal methods. An oral motor examination will also be completed to assess oral motor strength and range of motion. Recommendations for treatment will be made as appropriate following the evaluation.


Speech & Language Evaluation

A speech and language evaluation will formally and informally assess your child’s speech sound production skills as well as their receptive (what the child understands), expressive (how the child communicates thoughts, ideas, and feelings) and pragmatic (the child’s functional use of verbal and non-verbal language) language skills. Recommendations for treatment will be made as appropriate following the evaluation.

Literacy Evaluation

A comprehensive literacy evaluation will include assessment of phonological awareness skills, word-level reading skills, reading fluency, comprehension - oral and written, and writing skills. Recommendations for treatment will be made as appropriate following the evaluation.


Speech, Language, & Literacy Evaluation

This type of evaluation includes formal and informal assessment of the child’s speech sound production skills, oral language skills (receptive and expressive), and written language skills (reading and writing). Again, recommendations for treatment will be made as appropriate following the evaluation.